Partner With Us
Join our network of industry partners to raise awareness and funds for dogs in need
We collaborate with a wide variety of companies for events and cause-related marketing campaigns that help raise awareness of rescue and adoption. From happy hours to giveaways to donating products to our foster dogs, we are open to your ideas and love working with dog-loving companies!
If you are interested in partnering with us and supporting our life-saving work, please contact fundraising@heartsandbonesrescue.org!
Ways to Partner
Cause Marketing
Partnering with Hearts & Bones through cause-related marketing is a great way to raise awareness and revenue for our lifesaving efforts and give consumers the opportunity to help animals in need.
Donating Supplies
Rescuing dogs takes a village - and a whole lot of stuff! Donating branded supplies is a great way to help us care for our rescues and provide our fosters with necessary gear as well as raise awareness of your product or brand.
Workplace Giving
By matching your employees’ charitable contributions or by hosting time-based fundraising campaigns with matched donations, you can double your company’s impact on our lifesaving work. Volunteer grant programs where your company donates funding based on how many hours employees volunteer are another way to help convert your employees’ hard work and effort into tangible funds that help us save more lives.
Donors should contact their workplace to see if they will match a donation!
Event space
As a foster-based rescue, our event partners are invaluable to our efforts to unite pups with their forever families. We host a number of fundraisers and adoption events throughout the year and are always looking for partners to host us. Hosting a Hearts & Bones event is a great way to support our cause as well as raise awareness of your business. To host an Hearts & Bones event, reach out to us at adopt@heartsandbonesrescue.org.